Thursday, December 17, 2009

THC v2.1.01 is released

I have released THC v2.1.01!

Amazing improvement in this version. Now THC is capable of calculating Hole Cards Ranks. Very accurate calculation. You will be amazed to see how things are changing when number of players is changing! Must say although I am the author of THC, today it seriously surprised me. Hole Cards Ranks are changing and it depends on many factors. And most important one is the Number of Players! 9-players game is not just about lower winning chances comparing to 2-players game. It is also about real change in values of your pocket cards. It is a different game! I am playing poker for some number of years and truly I didn't know how important this thing could be. For example, strength of your cards to be of the same suit is dramatically increasing when more people are joining the table. I've read some books about poker and many articles on internet but I did found any explanation of such phenomena. The only thing I have mentioned was that different sources are ranking hole cards differently and I didn't know why. Now I know.

Now You can use THC to know better the real strength of our Hole Cards :-)

THC (Texas Hold'em Calculator) is available on Android Market.
Descriptions could be found here:

Good Luck! ( well, but THC it first :-) )

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